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What Is MOXI® Laser, And How Does it Work For Skin Rejuvenation?

What Is MOXI® Laser, And How Does it Work For Skin Rejuvenation?

With advancements in cosmetic treatments, we’ve come a long way toward healthy, glowing skin. One of the latest proliferation in skin rejuvenation is MOXI® laser – a cutting-edge technology that has been gaining favor in recent years. You may have heard about this innovative treatment if you want smoother, younger-looking skin. But what exactly is MOXI® laser, and how does it work? 

Before considering this treatment, here’s what you should know.

What Is MOXI® Laser?

MOXI® Laser is a non-ablative laser designed to reduce the appearance of sun damage, aging, and other pigmentation concerns by creating tiny perforations in the top layer of the skin. It was developed by Sciton Inc, a medical device company based in California, and was first introduced in 2018 as a new option for skin rejuvenation.

MOXI® Laser has become popular for those seeking a gentler laser treatment option requiring little to no downtime. It is a non-ablative laser, meaning it does not remove the top layer of skin, making it a great entry-level laser for those new to laser treatments. Also, MOXI® Laser is suitable for all skin tones and safe and effective for treating melasma.

The treatment typically takes around 30 minutes to complete, and while some numbing cream may be applied beforehand, there is generally little discomfort involved in the process. Results can be noticed after one treatment, but most clinics urge multiple sessions spaced four to six weeks apart to see ultimate results.

How Does MOXI® Laser Work?

MOXI® laser is a fractionated, non-ablative laser used in cosmetic dermatology. The laser works by emitting laser energy at a wavelength of 1927 nm, absorbed by water within skin cells. This process stimulates the body’s natural healing processes, promoting collagen production and skin rejuvenation.

The technology behind MOXI® laser involves using a laser generator that emits laser energy, which is delivered through a handpiece to the targeted area of the skin. The handpiece contains a micro-lens array that splits the laser beam into multiple micro-beams, which are then delivered to the skin in a fractional pattern, creating tiny micro-injuries. These micro-injuries stimulate the body’s natural healing response, which includes collagen production and skin renewal.

Benefits Of MOXI® Laser For Skin Rejuvenation

MOXI® Laser is a non-ablative fractionated laser that targets pigment and stimulates the dermal repair process. Here are some benefits of MOXI® Laser for skin rejuvenation:

  1. Suitable for all skin tones: MOXI® Laser is safe and practical for all skin types and tones. It does not cause hyperpigmentation in those with dark skin and is suitable for treating melasma.
  2. Little to no downtime: The MOXI® Laser treatment has little-to-no downtime, so that you can return to your daily activities after the treatment.
  3. Non-ablative laser energy: MOXI® Laser delivers non-ablative laser energy that corrects the initial signs of sun damage and aging without removing the top layer of the skin.
  4. Revitalizes skin tone and texture: MOXI® Laser creates tiny perforations in the top layer of the skin that stimulate the dermal repair process, revitalizing skin tone and texture.
  5. Reduces the appearance of brown and red spots: MOXI® Laser reduces the impression of brown and red spots induced by sun damage or aging by targeting pigment and stimulating the dermal repair process.
  6. Smoothes uneven pigmentation: MOXI® Laser smooths uneven pigmentation, refines tone and texture, and lightens sun damage.
  7. Provides pre-rejuvenation: MOXI® Laser is a preventative tool that provides pre-rejuvenation by warding off visible signs of aging before they appear.

Overall, MOXI® Laser is a gentle, low-to-no downtime lunchtime procedure that stimulates the dermal repair process, reduces the appearance of brown and red spots, and revitalizes skin tone and texture. It is fitting for all skin types and tones and is an excellent option for those new to laser treatments.

Who’s An Ideal Candidate?

MOXI® Laser treatment is ideal for younger patients just starting to think about long-term skincare and pre-rejuvenation and for people wanting to revitalize and refresh their skin’s appearance without downtime. 

MOXI laser is suitable for all skin types, but as with any laser treatment, people with active infections or who are on certain medications should not receive the treatment. It is also recommended to avoid MOXI Laser treatment during pregnancy or breastfeeding, as there is not enough data to confirm the procedure’s safety during those periods. 

Best to consult an aesthetician to determine whether MOXI Laser treatment is proper for an individual’s specific needs and skin type.

What To Expect During And After MOXI® Laser Treatment

During MOXI® Laser treatment, a prescription numbing cream is typically applied to the treatment area for around 30 minutes to minimize discomfort. The laser is then used to create micro-injuries in the deeper layers of the skin, which encourages the production of collagen, a protein that gives skin elasticity and firmness. The procedure usually takes around 30 minutes, and most people do not require topical numbing.

After MOXI® Laser treatment, your skin may appear pink and feel warm to the touch, and it may feel like you have a sunburn for the rest of the day. The treated skin cells will start sloping off, and you may experience temporary roughness in the treated area. However, most people require little downtime and can resume their daily activities right after the procedure.

Avoid harsh ingredients like acids or sulfates on your skin after MOXI® Laser treatment. Instead, it is recommended to use gentle products such as repairing serums with growth factors to help restore the skin and lock in moisture with a gentle moisturizer. Using a gentle cleanser and keeping your skin hydrated with consistent moisturizing is also recommended to promote healing and peeling.


If you’re looking for a safe, practical way to achieve smoother, more youthful skin, MOXI® laser may be the answer you’ve been seeking. At BB Organics, we are dedicated to supplying our clients with the latest and most effective treatments to help them experience their best. 

If you want to learn more about MOXI® laser or our other services, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our expert team is here to answer your questions and guide you toward the best options for your unique needs. Contact us for a one-on-one consultation and discover how we can help you attain your skin rejuvenation goals.

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